Teflon® FEP Petri Dish Liners

Price: $ 13.98$ 15.97

Item Number: N/A Category: Material: Brand:

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Fluorolab’s Petri Dish Liners

When the results matter, the material matters.

At Fluorolab we understand that results are what matters most.  That’s why we make Fluorolab’s FEP Petri Dish Liners from high performance Teflon™ FEP fluoroplastic instead of polystyrene or glass-like petri dishes.

Fluorolab’s Petri Dish Liners offer many advantages like:

  • Chemical compatibility with most chemicals – including hydrofluoric acid
  • Extremely inert therefore they will not contaminate culture cells such as bacteria or mosses
  • They are easy to sterilize
  • They do not break like glass
  • Can withstand extreme environments
  • They are optically clear

Our petri dish liners are available in three sizes; 50mm, 90mm and 140mm.  All of our petri dish liners come packaged inside polystyrene petri dishes to help protect them during shipping.  Once you receive your liners, you can continue to use them in the packaging dish as a liner or remove your liners from the packaging dishes to use them as a stand-alone dish.

Using Fluorolab’s Petri Dish Liners is the best way to prevent material performance from sabotaging the results of your hard work.

If you have any questions about our Petri Dish Liners please contact us.

Teflon™ is a trademark of The Chemours Company FC, LLC used under license by Welch Fluorocarbon, Inc

Product Specifications
Select a size in the drop down menus to see specifications
Shipping Dimensions :
Volume : Select a size in the drop down menus to see specifications
Diameter : Select a size in the drop down menus to see specifications
Product Dimensions : Select a size in the drop down menus to see specifications
Frequently Asked Questions
Product Specifications Frequently Asked Questions
Select a size in the drop down menus to see specifications
Dimensions :
Volume : Select a size in the drop down menus to see specifications
Diameter : Select a size in the drop down menus to see specifications
Single Package Dimensions : Select a size in the drop down menus to see specifications
Resources: Teflon-FEP-Film-Information-Bulletin
Resources: Teflon-FEP-Film-Data-Sheet